A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

This game was not possible without the help of my other 3 team members who did art, modeling, programming help, and music for the game.


Programmer and level designer(me): https://bustopher.itch.io/ my personal portfolio: https://chrissolanilla.com

Programmer and level designer: https://infinity-n-beyond.itch.io/

Artist: https://juubsr.itch.io/bannysfirstday

Music and sound design: mudstepofficial@gmail.com


Movement: wasd

To move to a different ring, hold up against a rings inner or outer barrier, then press the space bar. You can only move in-between rings if you have parry meter. You can increase the parry meter by parrying attacks.

Parry: Right mouse button

Shoot: left mouse button

Melee attack: You can only melee attack at the inner most ring. You must have parry meter charge and you must be hugging the sun. To execute a melee attack, press spacebar and right click. This attack does the most damage.


BulletHel2.zip 886 MB
linuxX86.7z 609 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file.

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